1. What are the IP addresses of 3 different root DNS servers?

  2. How many of the 13 root servers are located outside the United States?

  3. What company owns the IP address

  4. What is your machine's current primary nameserver?

  5. What is an MX record (2 points)?

  6. What are the names of the machines which serve as MX for

  7. What company actually provides hosting for

  8. What company actually provides hosting for

  9. What are the names of the machines which serve as MX for

  10. What is the difference between an A record and a CNAME? (2 points)

  11. Find three different registrars who charge less than $10/year to register a domain name.(2 points)

  12. What is SLP?
  13. What is special about the 169.254/16 network range?(2 points)

  14. What is the loopback address?

  15. What is the difference between bootp and dhcp? (2 points)

Extra Credit
  1. 3 points: Why shouldn't you use a CNAME for an MX record?