
Unless otherwise specified, for each of the following questions, provide the following information: Network numbers, subnet masks, broadcast addresses, and number of hosts and networks.
  1. (2 points)Given the network, divide it such that there are 8 networks.

  2. (2 points) Given the network, divide it such that there are 64 networks

  3. (2 points) Divide the network so that there are at least 900 machines on each network.

  4. (2 points) Given the C class address, and the requirement of 700 hosts per network, how many additional addresses will be necessary, and what will all the other network information look like?

  5. (4 points)Your client needs at least 16 networks of 128 machines each. Give them an address under the 10. network that fills this requirement, and show all relevant information.

  6. (2 points)Your network number is, and your subnet mask is How many networks do you have, and how many hosts per network?

  7. (2 points)If you added two more bits to the subnet mask from the question above, what would the networks look like?